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DP Remake

No.46104005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Future Diamond Past Pearl

Story: 10 years after Diamond and Pearl
Cyrus returns from the Distortion World
Some Pokemon have changed due to corrupted timeline
Underground and some routes have Raid battles
You can encounter Corrupted Pokemon W/ Special moves
The Raids will work as wormholes and are randomized
Some wormholes will teleport you to other places
also there are Dynamaxed and Mega's in Raid Battles ( No new Dynamax or Mega forms )
Some Pokemon will have new branch evolutions
Cyrus daughter Venus has taken over Team Galactic
Venus's plan is to further corrupt the world
She will re-encounter her dad Cyrus and he rejoin Team Galactic
Venus and Cyrus double battle you and your rival
Cyrus got 3 Corrupted Pokemon ( Luxray Weavile Crobat )
Palkia and Dialga can fusion into a Corrupted form and fight Giratina late game

Games will be out Friday 19 November