>>46132874Then it's not Pokémomn, they don;t care for adults to spend 5 years on something they get more money doing in three.
Shit, even you faggots willfully ignore the meaning behind morimoto's work to suck his dick. The reason they copy/pasted the BF, added the pokéathlon, the following pokémon (which he took off his Gen V colleagues as he worked on the battle engine) was all to disguise the fact they were porting a barebones GB game to DS, same reason they arbitrarily stopped you progressing through the plot to fuck off to the seviis in FRLG, because it was a barebones GB game ported to GBA. If Morimoto had cared about the older fans, he'd have fixed the level curve, added shit like Murkrow and Houndour to Jotho, even if it was after League clear and a million other things than add extraneous bullshit to distract kids from the crux of the issue.
I love Morimoto's dedication to the battle engine, from what I gather it's what he's always thinking of ways to improve without ultimately changing what it is at heart. But as an oldfag who'd played the shit out of Silver in the day, Morimoto's remake was functional, not fantastic at best..