Mimikyu > Dedenne > Raichu >>> Emolga >>>>>>> the rest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Morpeko.
Mimikyu is a beautiful subversion of the concept AND a solid mon gameplay-wise with a great gimmick that it doesn't overplay AND it is tied into a great Totem encounter.
Dedenne is great because, unlike Emolga "Let's have a Flying type and do nothing with it but SURPRISE Ground immunity" and Togedemaru (who learns no Steel moves by level up, only fucking Gyro Ball by TM, and needs USUM move tutors to learn basic-ass Iron Head or Iron Tail), it actually explores the idea of dual-typed Pikaclone, and can be played more as a fast and decently powerful (for a single-stage early-game mon) Fairy with Electric coverage. Also, it design is very "back to basics", with a clear antennae theme, more Raichu-like colors, Gen1-like fatty body (without Togedemaru's ugly exagerration).
Raichu is cucked gameplay-wise — even getting Nuzzle, Encore, Fake Out and a slew of other utility moves doesn't really save it — but it's the greatest design of them all, with clearly defined body and beautiful ears and tail. It's also NOT a pikaclone, since it's been made before Pikachu became the mascot it is now, but rather the only mon in the list that was truly designed as its own thing.