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good pokemon memories from your youth

No.46145686 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remember the time my brothers and I went to a GameStop in a Florida mall since my younger brother wanted to get PMD Sky (I had Darkness and my older bro had Time). When he got the game, the clerk let us know that Pokemon Black and White were coming out tomorrow. Being dumbass kids we had seen some of the new Pokemon and knew they were coming but didn't know it was this close. After we got home, we confirmed the clerk wasn't joking and found all of the new Pokemon sprites on serebii. We pored over them, talked about which ones we did and didn't like and what our teams might be. Hydreigon was my instant all-time favorite, and we all agreed the genies sucked. For some dumb reason we assumed that they were regular Pokemon and that Cryogonal was a legendary. The games came out the next day and (in addition to PMD sky) were highly enjoyed.