>>46157102I've just played a mono bug type run of Gold and I had to grind some levels before beating the League. Your mons are super low level (sub 40) when you reach the League and the Elite 4 + Lance all have pokemon level 40-50.
I think the game has some level issues in general because your pokemon really should be higher leveled once you reach the endgame. Instead of having me one shot lvl 19 Rattatas and Zubats all game why not make give enemy trainers some stronger pokemon and then in return let my pokemon level more that way all mons would have evolved and finished their learnsets before the game was over. It really makes no sense that after beating a lvl 35 Steelix it's back to fighting Rocket grunts with stage one shitmons that pose no threat. Same could be said for the Kanto gym leaders which aren't as strong as Lance so they are all easy to beat after the League.