It won't be a remake. They're porting the DS games excluding Platinum. They will be compatible with Pokemon Home in one direction (out), but not immediately. The download price will be 24.99+tax. The sprite graphics, fonts, and textures have had upscaled with something that looks similar to 4xBRZ. There is no option to use the original graphics. There is also a resampled soundtrack. It is not a remade or orchestrated soundtrack, it has just had sound samples updated for the hardware. There is no option to use the original soundtrack. Wireless battle works for local multiplayer. No online function other than connecting to Home, as GTS tries to connect to the inoperable DS servers. Attempting to connect to the GTS causes the shell program containing the ROM to display a switch error to the tune of "This is an archived legacy feature which is no longer supported by Nintendo's services. Thank you for understanding."
Temper your expectations.