>>46166974What the fuck was Game Freak's problem when they made decent rematch teams for the Johto E4 and than this Lance supposed to be stronger rematch team, that Altaria is something Showderp faces in low ELO and that Dragonite ace becomes neutared after a single Draco Meteor.
I think only Diantha's rematch Gardevoir can match this trash Altaria.
Also they absoutely butchered ORAS Elite 4 and Steven's rematch team too, megas that didn't abuse their abilities, retarded low power attacks at random, special Flygon with Screech, Offensive Mandibuzz, Phoebe's Banette-Dusknoir and Mega Sableye sets, the absolute state of Glacia's Mega Glalie, offensive Carbink, not even Iron Head or Zen Headbutt Mega Metagross.