>>46167260I would love firstly Gamefreak to ditch idea of balancing game around competetive, it does not work, the basic battle systems of Pokemon are more suitable for creating engaging single player experience. Disregars pvp, it's the worst what happened for this franchise in 25 years of its existence.
...And with this shit dealt with we can go really bonkers. You want to introduce super OP entry hazard like
>>46167351 mentioned?
O-fucking-K, but lets make it work on both sides. So while it's broken shit that will hurt 90% of opponents in-game, it will also demand from player building around it. With clever using of in-game availability of Pokemon it can be pretty neat "Ok, this move is fucking broken but you'll need to build around it and we made all the effort to make your options for it bad and/or hard to obtain" experience.
I love Pokemon mechanics because they could be used for really cool and engaging single-player campaing, but because GF and 95% of players treat it more like shitty e-sport than jrpg it's dragged and dumbed down with every year :/