>>46175606burgers have been corrupted by the jewish media to believe china is a dictatorial shithole that constantly has guns pressed somehow to the heads of one billion people and who are brainwashed endlessly into believing the party uber alles.
never mind the U.S. has committed far worse atrocities than the chinese government in the past half century, have far worse brainwashing in their media from both the 'left' and 'right' (which really are the same thing when you get down to it), have some of the shitties education and healthcare systems of any first world nation (here's something fun to consider, do you think the chinese are actually smarter? or do you think they don't waste time on gender studies or art degrees or communication degrees in rundown shithole universities that drain tens of thousands from you each year) have absolutely no issue with police gunning down citizens unless it's niggers in which case you start burning down your cities, and have actively elected autocrats like reagan, bush, obama, trump and very likely biden as well into their highest fucking office, as well your state governments and senate.
>b-but muh coronaLiterally just the flu.
It's not the chinese's fault western governments want to form police states where they control the population by faking some numbers and pretending some virus that only kills old faggots constitutes a 'pandemic'.
Oh wait a sec, police states? Gommunism? Huh, what do you 'hate' the chinese for again?
>y-yellow hands typed this post>heh c-chang how much is the government paying youI'm the whitest burger in existence, I'm literally a onions patty. And I too 'hated' China because that's what braindead pundits on CNN and Fox told me, and then I visited there on a trip, and it was actually quite lovely. And then I realized that anything I hated 'China' for, it was 10000x easier to despise the U.S. for the exact same reasons.
feel free to seethe more though /pol/