>>46203877The games really streamline competitive, so if you're the type who likes to have a team of IV and EV perfect pokemon, then this game will make that process fast for you. It also allows any pokemon to become competitive, with items to change natures and abilities, and mechanics to add egg moves after hatching.
If you're the type who plays pokemon for exploration and single player content, you won't enjoy it. The campaign is piss easy, the routes are linear, there is nothing complex to explore or worth calling a "dungeon," and the postgame battle tower is extremely watered down compared to previous iterations. You can tell that GF is using online multiplayer as an excuse not to develop any postgame themselves. You can build a team of competitive pokemon but you'll only get mileage against other players with them.
Also worth noting that there will be another mainline title coming at the end of this year that will no doubt include the same convenience factors regarding teambuilding, so you could wait a few weeks and see what they're announcing.