>>46224065>Scorched EarthRemoves the current terrain and any entry hazards (from both sides) when switched in.
Pokemon that receive it: Slugma line, Heatmor
>BluffDamage dealt is increased by 50% when at full health. Otherwise, damage dealt is decreased by 50%.
Pokemon that receive it: Purrloin line (mostly a gimmick ability for Grimsley)
>Green ThumbTosses Leech Seeds to ALL Pokemon on the field when sent out on Grassy Terrain.
Pokemon that receive it: Flabébé line, Sunkern line, Seedot line
>DownerAt the end of every turn, this Pokemon decreases 1 random stat for the opposing Pokemon.
Pokemon that receive it: Swadloon only (replaces Chlorophyll; becomes Chlorophyll again when evolved into Leavanny)
>HeroGets all the stat boosts of your previously fainted Pokemon when this mon comes in.
Pokemon that receive it: Ledian
>ParasiteDraining moves drain 50% more HP (not +50%, but 50% increaseof the amount so a typical 50% drain move now drains 75% instead of 50%).
Pokemon that receive it: Paras line, Foongus line, Zubat line, Joltik line