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Pokemon and children

No.46264516 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Some guy came over to my place to buy stuff I was selling online. His kids tagged along. I randomly asked the kids if they liked Pokemon. Their eyes lit up and I showed them my collection while their dad was inspecting the product.

The kids were in awe of all the rare stuff I had, and probably wondering to themselves how an adult could like Pokemon as well.
To be honest, I enjoyed this brief moment I had. I don't have any pokefriends and this was the first time my collection got the attention it deserves.
Their dad was in a hurry to leave and it was over in an instant.

This made me realize how lucky dads really are. I will never get to experience the feeling of sharing your passion for Pokemon with your kids. It must be fucking awesome to have your kids like Pokemon and then you show them your Poke shit from your own childhood.
>"holy shit dad were you there when they only had 151 pokemons and they showed the first movie in an actual movie theater?"
>"yes, son"
>"you're the coolest dad ever!"