>>46272014>Ok but why would I use it over Kangaskhan again?For the sake of this argument, I'm going to ignore National Dex and the buffs it got from Gen 8 (like Scrappy giving it immunity to Intimidate) to focus on Gens 6 and 7. I will also be ignoring the illegal moves of Kang in those two gens that it gets from prior gens but can't use online. This argument will be purely non-smogon focused.
So, why? Because of the following:
>Fighting STAB allows it to hit harder with moves like HJK >Has a significantly easier time blowing past all the walls that Kang struggles with, thanks again to perfect Neutral Coverage and really damn good physical movepool>It is SIGNIFICANTLY faster and doesn't need to rely on risky Sucker Punch to bypass this, a move that can be gamed around and could leave Kang in a bad position if it screws it up>Doesn't need to use PuP to hit hard, though it can if it wants too>Mega Kangaskhan is completely fucked by Sableye and Mega Sableye. Sableye, comparatively, is completely fucked by Mega Lopunny due to it getting nailed for SE damage thanks to Scrappy>Mega Lopunny's access to U-Turn allows it to quickly and efficiently pivot out of threats it can't handle or nail a target for high damage before going to a teammate. Mega Kang must instead manually switch>Mega Lopunny didn't get nerfed in Gen 7, where Mega Kang is considerably less broken due to the nerf to Parental Bond>Mega Lopunny has the power to run non-attacking moves as well and actually successfully do things with them, such as running Encore, Heal Bell, or Healing Wish to save a teammate in case it's about to dieIt's not as cut and dry as you'd like to think. In Gen 6 the comparison would be a little more fair, as you'd sacrifice Mega Kang's raw power and solid bulk for a fast, hard-hitting pivot who can deck everything for at bare minimum neutral damage and outspeed most threats. In Gen 7 though Mega Lop was generally just better over for the immediate power.