>>46280211I get that 'muh smartphones' isn't an excuse to drop shitty, barebones games like Gaylar, but there's some truth to that. Also, I've noticed too many people rush to try the 'flavor of the month' game and then drop it as soon as the next short-lived hype wave for something else arrives, so... dropping development for complex post game content isn't something I really condemn in 2020+1. Gen 8 though remains a lazy piece of shit game in terms of single player campaign, especially the 'main game' portion, and that's honestly inexcusable. Gen 7's, even if it had so many cancer roadblocks, was very well made instead imho. And XY was a different kind of mess. They really need to look back at gen 5 and before for main campaign at least, keeping gen 8's QoL, postgame wild areas, and online which are the spot-on parts of it.
That said, I wouldn't hate frontier returning, as long as its development doesn't hinder the core game, which they look like they already struggle with developing.