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No.46289996 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Someone points out that Pokemon games haven't had compelling overworld progression since Gen 6
>Zoomers immediately come out of the woodworks saying "YOU'RE JUST UPSET THEY GOT RID OF HMS HAHAHA"
Come on. Really? We don't honestly have people defending this kind of shit right? I'm fine with beacons on the map telling you where to go, I'm fine with the occasional NPC pointing you in the right direction, but do we really need both along with immovable barriers that prevent you from going literally anywhere in the game?
The Wild Area was advertised as being this big open area for Galar yet the game itself is no less linear than the entirety of Alola. Hell, Alola at least had some freedom in the Poni Plains when you finally unlocked it.
Meanwhile LGPE really did play like the older games. It wasn't because of the blocky map, it wasn't because of HMs. They really just let the player figure things out without any markers on the map or anything.
What the fuck happened to this series? Isn't Legpiss for literal toddlers? Why is it open world but SwSh isn't?