>>46295600After checking that groudon ex card, and seeing how not only the cost doubled but the listings dwindled to near nothing, in just two weeks, I think this shit is happening in waves. I think it's dual waves, a tandem dance with random crests and valleys of either wave between those newly learning of this crazy market/remembering pokemon cards and hopping in, and those silently buying up everything they want/want to """invest""" in. I don't think this will change for a while, maybe not even until the end of the year and then some months. Two days in a row of them going slow and then a big spike today, it's oddly both consistent and random in it's acceleration and deceleration.
>McdonaldsYeah I never believed the scalpers wouldn't profit from it. Not in this erratic market of wolves and lambs. I just always called them scum for stopping so low as to buy literal cases of Pokemon cards after waiting outside and walking into a McDonald's. No dignity, and actual whores for a dollar