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Gen 8 is irredeemable garbage

No.46322532 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just looked through all gen 8 pokemon and I fucking hate all of them, sure I disliked gen 6 and 7 but I still liked most of the pokemon in them, I have NOTHING that I like in Gen 8, yhe pokemon aren't good, the characters aren't cute, cool, badass, sexy, etc, Nessa is garbage, Bea is normalfag's first tomboy, Allister is normalfag's first shota, I hate everything in this fucking gen, they ruined the Regi by adding these 2 stupid bootleg regis that make no sense, It's like if they added a gray dragon with iron on his body, called it "driron" and made it Lugia and Ho-oh best friend, that would ruin Ho-oh and Lugia.

The legendaries suck, the fossils suck, for once I thought we'd be getting a cool fish pokemon again like fucking Basculin or Relicanth but instead we got whatever the fuck Dracovish and Arctovish are, Indeedee's male version looks sexier than the female version for some reason, but even worse, there's this stupid fucking CENTIPEDE pokemon that is fucking FIGHTING TYPE instead of bug type for absolutely no reason, "formation pokemon" my ass if this isn't a centipede then they are 6 different pokemon

All the galarian forms suck, they ruined Farfetch's whole "no evolving" thing by giving him a stupid evolution, and also I'll take back what I said about hating EVERYTHING, I do like one thing and that is Polteageist, pokemon are MONSTERS not ANIMALS and I love tea, this is the ONLY good thing to come out of this gen, poor guy should have been Pallosand's counterpart or whatever

Also removing random encounters is absolutely unforgivable, removes all the fun from hunting for rare encounters like lotad when you can see 10 pokemon at once