[6 / 5 / ?]
Quoted By: >>46349192
Out of all the games to do a shot for shot remake why in god's name would they pick Sinnoh. Sinnoh had so much potential but is almost ruined by the slow pacing and backtracking and overuse of HMs. A sinnoh with pokerides on its own would be halfway decent. If they went the way of HGSS and ORAS it would still be fine. Update the game thats all you have to do. Instead they literally made a shot for shot remake they copied the fucking DS hardware limitation chibi art style for gods sake. But the worst part is the battles. I honestly cannot believe they just presented those battles with a straight face. This shit looks like a fucking phone game. Worse than a fucking phone game. There is no fucking way TPC looked at this and said "yeah that looks good present it"
I HATE nostalgiafags, especially sinnoh nostalgiafags, but they didnt fucking deserve this. This is embarrassing
At least Snap looks comfy and the GF open world game looks fun.
I HATE nostalgiafags, especially sinnoh nostalgiafags, but they didnt fucking deserve this. This is embarrassing
At least Snap looks comfy and the GF open world game looks fun.