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what would /vp/ like to see in a pokemon game

No.46352951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
game freak cannot be trusted to make a good game. they will continously make trash games that will make stupid ammounts of money because they're pokemon games.

idk, maaybe this isnt the right place to post this, but i've been messing around with the idea of making my own creature collecting game. So like temtem, but not fucking retarded and pc.

i know pokemon clover exists but i want my game to be more serious. if i put something like Grasshole or Arabomb in the game it will be hard to sell

What would you like to see in this hypothetical game? So far, this is what i have in mind

>less pokemon types
fairy types dont exist, rock and ground type are the same one, fighting and normal are the same one.
>more mature storyline
I dont want it to be super edgy but i'd like this game to be T rated.
>more focused on exploration and catching creatures
No one really goes to pokemon for the story, they do it for the pokemon.
>actual fucking difficulty
i want my game to feel as difficult as pokemon felt when i was 4 years old
> ~ 300 creatures, region based in north america
i feel like too many pokemon games are based in japan. i want to see different countries represented.

I dont have any prototypes to show yet. the game is still very early in development and i dont want to pull a yandere dev and say it'll be done in a certain time and let everyone time. I think saying its in development is a stretch, its mostly just me drawing shitty bootleg pokemon

so yeah, what would you like to see?