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You deserved this Sinnohfags

The truth is that you deserved this remakes. You always talked about how these were the "most beloved" and "perfect" games even if literally every poll and review that wasn't wrote by someone that was 8 years old when it was released said otherwise.

Diamond and Pearl were unplayable, soulless, boring betas that needed to be fixed with Platinum. The Pokédex had almost no new Pokémon, mostly new evolutions from old ones and the finished 150 were totally unbalanced (TWO FIRE TYPES). Also, it was the very first start of shitty design in starters as the 3 previous pairs we got were awesome.

Still, it didn't matter to you as they added a DiStOrTiOn WoRlD that 9 years you thought it was DOPE and overhyped these games that took 10 hours to finish a route because of HOW FUCKING SLOW THEY WERE.

You always said that Gamefreak loved Sinnoh and that Sinnoh was the KANTOOOOO for Japanese. Where, here's a wake up call: GameFreak didn't even bother to make an actual remake. And you always said these games were perfect so here you have, just a visual one screen update to your "perfect" games.

Maybe if you did not shat in everything TPC was trying to do. Saying that grid ORAS looked bad, but updated grid system from Let's Go looked bad, but ALSO open world from Wild Area looked bad you wouldn't have this crap, the safest bet for a remake so nobody would be offended.

Your generation is at at fault of the decay of Pokemon, your generation deserves this CRAP.

Sincerelly, a genwunner

P.S: Unova, you're cool. Just admit that Pokémon BW were not that good and needed to be fixed with BW2 and you'll probably won't get fucked in the ass as these faggots.