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No.46371109 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like it's my duty to tell you the truth before anybody gets any crazy ideas to try and cope with today
>Literally the exact same as the original DP story wise
>The Poketch is non-interactable, several features were removed because they couldn't figure out how to make them work without touch
>They are compatible with HOME but only one way (BDSP > HOME)
>No Megas, Dynamax, region forms, etc.
>Platinum content is limited to expanded Pokedex, Platinum teams, and new forms introduced to Platinum. No Distortion World or Battle Frontier. No Charon or Looker, no extended postgame.
>Nothing new from DP in the way of content. No new 'Delta Episode'
>Game was literally made remotely during COVID
>Nothing much will change from now until release.
I'm sorry bros, but hey at least you get feudal Sinnoh which has a chance at being actually good