Samurott: +20 Atk, +7 SpA, +15 Spe, +15 both défenses, HA replaced with Speed Boost, if not, then given Shell Smash, added Fighting typing, Gets up on two legs and charges at opponent with both of it’s shell-swords when attacking
Typhlosion: Cinderace’s speed of Base 119, +10 SpA, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ancient Power, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Agility, added Ground typing
Decidueye: +40 Spe, +13 Atk, +15 SpA, Signature Ability buffed to make all contact physical moves do Special Damage if the target has Rough Skin, Static, Flame Body, Rocky Helmet, or any similar items and abilities, and also gives all moves with lower than 100% accuracy a 1.3x boost