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ITT: we dab on anti open world fags

No.46380216 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>m-muh empty fields
what does that even mean? open world games are not randomly generated and will still be crafted with a purpose, and they are also filled with npcs, treasures and dungeons to explore
>b-but what about muh well crafted routes?
GF stopped doing those ever since gen 5. You are living in the past and clinging to an aesthetic and design choice that stemmed from technological limitations. Also having a small detour every now and then does not make a level impressive.
>there will be NOTHING to do
why? because you want it to be that way? there is limitless potential here between riding mons, camping, taking pictures, trading, capturing mons, looking for dungeons etc. Be open-minded
>N-non linearity BAD
rby and gsc were both non-linear, despite not being open world. You don't even know what non-linear means. Either way an open world game allows for player freedom to tackle objectives in any order they like, making things for interesting for replays as well.
>change BAD
so you'd rather cling to how things have been handled so far? being stuffed into cramped corridors while getting interrupted by npcs every 2 seconds? railroaded sightseeing tours? would you seriously enjoy a repeat of the SM volcano or the ultra corridor (tm)?
>we NEED to go back to the old formula
but you already have it. Legends is just a spinoff a la Colosseum, mainline games will keep being as disappointing as ever. Same goes for the Let's GO games, which follow the old formula and are designed to pander to nostalgiafags and GOtards

Open world just fits well with the franchise, the main appeal of pokemon is the universe moreso than the combat or routes. A comfy adventure looking for rare mons in the wilderness while going from landmark to landmark in any order you want fits pokemon perfectly.