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How did they get away with this?

No.46386452 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't care what type of gimmick they were trying to recreate, it is completely unacceptable for an official game made in 2019 for a franchise as giant as pokemon to look so attrociously awful and have its programming be so lazy. It's such a blatant proof of how little they care about the series and only keep it alive to squeeze it dry (as if that wasn't evident enough). They deserved to get shat a lot more for this. I seriously don't get how people don't feel embarrassed when they think about how they defended and spent $30 on this.

I don't get why this board is in such an uproar about BDSP looking like shit, when the SWSH dlc was possibly the laziest and most pathetic thing GF dished out in a pokemon game.