>>46390622Update: Fantina kicked my ass. Luckily, I'm not playing a Nuzlocke, so nothing was lost. Raichu put in a surprising amount of work, w/ Nasty Plot + Thunderbolt. Swept half of Fantina's team, before almost killing Spiritomb and falling to Dark Pulse. Onix and Grovyle got instantly killed by Gengar/Mismagius, so they didn't do shit. Charmeleon managed to survive a Sludge Bomb from Gengar, and took it out with a critical Flamethrower, before dying to poison. Umbreon missed with Play Rough, but still managed to kill Spiritomb anyway, because of Synchronise Will 'o' Wisp. Swellow finally killed Mismagius, with a combination of Return and Quick Attack, using it's Scrappy ability. It managed to live on a slither of HP, sustained after taking a Dazzling Gleam from Mismagius