>>46421590I never wanted an uncanny shit like that. All I wanted was a LGPE-styled (and before you autists start arguing if it is LGPE styled or not, I mean literally: LGPE engine & literal graphics, as if DP remakes were a LGPE hack rom) game that kept traditional gameplay and content. But no, here's a nice looking """classic""" pokemon game with following mons (Really, LGPE looks like a 3D HGSS and it's honestly good) which guts all the traditional mechanics like wild battle or held items, and removes most pokemon from the dex and plays nothing like pokemon (and this may apply to Legends too) or here's a soulless shitty game that "keeps" traditional content and mechanics but looks nothing like a pokemon game or is so low quality that is impossible to even call it barely an update.
All I want is a true, classic pokemon experience with new regions and monsters.
I can't believe it but I'm nostalgic for XY, at least at that time the franchise still seemed to have somewhat some consistency.