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Seems to be mostly pure coincidence, it’s the only option, or it fits with their character
Silver: probably would since he’s spiteful about a “weakling” having a starter
May/Brendan: Has one before you so pure coincidence in universe
Barry: Probably would as a catch to letting you pick first:
Bianca: She picks the starter weak to yours
Cheren: Is left with the only option so pure coincidence. Does say he intended to pick it so probably to counter you
Hugh: Has one before you so yet another coincidence
Shauna: Coincidence since she picks a starter weak to yours because it’s cute iirc
Serena/Calem: Left with the third choice like Cheren
Hau: Has one before you so pure coincidence
Hop: Chooses the starter weak to yours
Excluded Wally, Gladion, Bede, Marnie, Trevor, and Tierno since they don’t have traditional starters.