>>46438000First of all, ORAS was a perfectly fine game, I honestly don't know people's problem with it. The only reason I can remember why people were upset with it was because of the battle frontier being missing, and I wouldn't call that a "shit show" lmao.
I think the biggest two things people are upset with is the look of the game and that it's 1:1. Being 1:1 isn't a bad thing inherently, it just needs to perform extremely well in every other way possible, which it doesn't. The art style is fine enough, that isn't what bother's me about the game. Sure, it looks like Link's Awakening, but with 100x less polish. It could look a lot better at launch, but I seriously doubt it. The game lacks any sort of polish (shading, lightning, etc.) which is why it doesn't get away with the art style it's going for.
Also, with being a 1:1 remake, we miss out on the updated, modern touch the games get, from character redesigns to region layout changes. These can be hit or miss, but my philosophy has always been "The original will always be there." It's exciting to think about the ways games we love could change in a remake, for better or for worse. These changes give each remake individuality, which, really, is what a "remake" is supposed to do. This seems like more of a "remaster," akin to what Crash and Spyro had a few years back.
But that's just my opinion. The bottom line is that fans of any game have a vision of how they want a game to come out. Someone like you praises the 1:1 remake, while I am left wanting something more modern. At the end of the day, Game Freak has to decide what to do with the game, and I can't help but applaud them for trying something new after all these years.