>>46483552I knew someone would just focus on this. Latino means you come from Latin America. It has no bearing on skin color at all whatsoever. Not to mention, white, as in Caucasian doesn't always mean super light skin. Plenty of Caucasions have tanned skin because they go out into the sun and get a tan. Not all of course, but many do.
>>46483873Let me make this as easy to understand as possible. If you think pic related is black, you're retarded. How do you know for a fact she's not black? Straight-blonde hair, green eyes, non-dark/black skin. Even if you tanned her a little bit, you could not assume she was black, unless her skin was really fucking dark. Then it would just look like a weird edit. We're not discussing a clearly black woman like Lenora, but with blonde hair and blue eyes. I know you understand this; I think you're just trying really fucking hard for an "uhm, actually" moment. You use hair and eye color all the time to determine anime character races. Just because some have blue hair doesn't make Rosa black.