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>pivoting moves that complement their stats
>eevee learns nasty plot and recover
>stat rearrangements to complement the niches they can possibly fill in the meta
This mon fills 2 archetypes: specially defensive pivot or all out attacker
>specially defensive: swap hp with attack or spatk. being a defensive fire type with a powerful stab is a good niche
This pokemon was obviously designed to for the role all out attacker, which it will inevitably fail at bc it doesnt have a broken ability/move that can enable it to break the the defensive cores of OU. The only way to salvage it is to
>reaarange its stats so it can be Darmanitan but better
>give it a more useful ability outside of water absorb/hydration like regenerator
>better movepool to pressure switchins like rillaboom, sun teams, like a pivot move that uses its spatk instead lol
>imagine a toxapex but can deal a bajillion while pivoting out and giving you a free turn
>buff Aurora Beam and make it learnable by a select electric types
>give it a movepool that rivals that of zeraora (moonblast/focus blast/aura sphere/calm mind/energy ball or whatever)
>swap magic bounce with magic guard
>make it faster than zeraora or horse or at least give it a stronger movepool to be a good scarfer/specs. most of the time sigilyph is a superior pokemon to this.
>to compensate for its horrible typing, swap its ability with unaware or magic bounce
>make Leaf Guard an actual ability lol
>rock and fighting type coverage so it can make bulky sd sets work for sun teams (its only niche outside of being an inferior tangrowth)
>necessitates huge buffs for an entire typing
Other than that its beyond salvageable. Ice body shenanigans died after the weather nerf
Perfect mon imho, but after losing HP Ground it just cant touch Heatran, one of the best pokemon right now
>give it coverage so it doesnt lose to spdef Heatran, like Aura Sphere or FBlast