>>46521209I think it is quite obvious how this all happened. Basically TPC and GF only copy what is already successfull and slap pokemon on it. See Sun and moon where they clearly tried to incorporate yokai watch stuff or pokemon unite with moba shit.
Ok, when breath of the wild rolled around they wanted to profit from that but sword and shield were already too far in development and they werent done with trying to profit from go stuff just yet, so all they did was give us the wild area as a test run. The next mainline titles however would be the botw + pokemon games people cannot shut up about, or in other words the dp remakes.
GF quickly realized they were too incompetent too actually translate sinnoh into an open world so they came up with the idea of having them set in the past. So no cities, just endless fields and a mountain, easy but everyone will fall for it. Also look at the protagonists, they are still lucas and dawn. These were the original remakes. Fearing backlash and knowing that the game needs more development time, they went to the developers of HOME to quickly shit out faithfull dp remakes. So people would not be mad about not getting proper remakes with legends. Thats the reason these remakes exist. An safety net to experiment with their botw clone and also a quick and easy buck, i guess