>>46549491I feel that I can look back on all of this now and understand why we believed what we did at the time, and why we were so hopeful, but unfortunately some of you have not come to the realization that you are coping with franchise stockholm syndrome. You still persist in flooding this board for validation, but it's so painfully clear that the shills are nothing but desperate, emotional apologists trying to circlejerk one more spurt out of the addiction to these rushed, amateur games.
Game Freak and TPC are shitting all over us as we speak. Masuda and Ohmori only have a few more installments to produce where they drag their tech-illiterate, uninspired asses like dogs with worms to release actual feces to a crowd of manchildren, so they can finally forsake them to retire early. They could go up on a Direct, announce the removal of all old Pokemon except for Impidimp, add 24 different forms to it which are all just rescaled models, make the next game from XY assets, remove all battle animations, and then post pictures from some beautiful beach in Czech every day and you would still hold onto your overvalued Impidimp Libre plushies. They don't even need to spend on marketing. They can just use unpaid drones like Joe to shill it every day and know that you'll just make up cope because it's too hard to accept. They're definitely aware of the sentiment of the fans - they know that old retards and new suckers alike are trapped. Game Freak executives could show up in a Direct drunk at this point and you imbeciles would just try to claim that they’re chads despite the fact that they’re soft and timid little eunuchs who are clearly in way over their heads. But then again, so are you.
The difference is that they'll walk away as insanely rich men while you'll be flipping burgers and imagining yourself being stepped on by the next Gardevoir clone, until you die after absentmindedly walking into a dangerous alley while playing Pokemon GO “ironically”.