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Why is Battle Frontier so fucking overrated?

No.46572660 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I never played this so-called fabled "Battle Frontier" back in the day because when I beat Wallace and got into the Hall of Fame I stopped playing to go finish playing Superstar Saga. So I decided to replay a new file all the way to the end on emulator to see what the big deal was and...

>It's just a small Disney World theme park island with a couple facilities to dick around in battle modes

...really? This is what people were losing their shit over? They make it sound like this amazing grand adventure but it's the same fucking shit as the battle facilities in Gen 4 and Gen 5. The only difference is that it has like 2 or 3 extra unnecessary modes that stretch the hilariously narrow potential of Pokemon's battling system. And furthermore, you need several GOOD trained Pokemon to tackle these places, and most only have their starter + whatever they used to beat the game. Imagine grinding up in these fucking older games just to piddle around in this crap so you can feel like you got your money's worth. You actually think any random casual player would bother with this? Why would anyone go through all that effort for just 1% of the playerbase. You guys harp on about how Game Freak is lazy and never caters to hardcore players but these random battle facilities are a pointless diversion. Why not just go play the GameCube Pokemon games for some real battling content? There's no benefit to playing BF besides some move tutoring crap that can just easily be included in a regular town. Imagine going to this Chuck E. Cheese island just to grind out your little BP tickets so you can teach your shitmon Snatch or some bullshit. Fuck all you handwringing faggolas that worship this stupid shit, muh postgame this muh postgame that.

A game as a whole should be good from start to finish. Postgame is for no-life losers that start making the games worse just because "its actually all about the postgame tho!".