>>465856321. I don't like the swirly gold pattern things. It reminds me of the gold swirly things on Infernape. It feels like a rehash and its really big and in your face. Eventually I learned what he was based off of but I can't divorce my initial feelings from that.
2. The beard. It just awkwardly wraps around his neck and it looks like shit ingame. I actually couldnt even tell what I was looking at the first time I saw it. Like is it supposed to be hair? It just looks like hes on fire to me. Its all very lopsided.
3. His arm proportions are weird. They have two spiked tufts and an elephant clawgrip reminiscent of Rhyperior. In fact I remember when the BW starters leaked back in the day in 2010 /vp/ assumed it was a shoop of Rhyperior. I thought so to at first. But the reality was much worse.
4. His overall proportions suck especially his whole body and torso. He has the silhouette of Grimace from McDonalds or like a really big Mr. Potato Head with all his accessories localized near the top. I wish he had more proper proportions like a big bulky moblin, something emphasizing strength while still keeping him fat. His arms make him look like a Rock type shitmon and I cant see him actually fighting like a Fighting type with them. He already sorta resembles Ganon or a Moblin already so they shoulda just went ham on that (Pun intendes). Give him less of a sunken in face and a more chubby meaty face like pic related with more defined musculature in the arms and shoulders, more staunch positioning.
I used to fucking hate him at first but overtime hes simply just "tolerable, but wasted potential" to me now. I used to only like Serperior but eventually overtime I stopped hating Samurott and grew to like him. Not so sure if it will ever happen to Emboar. One thing I can say I like is the color scheme minus the gold pattern things, and his tail at the end "exploding" after the previous fuse theme from previous evos. His eyes, nose, teeth and eyebrows are fine.