>>46611947if you wanna know more the HQ was just fucking awesome, in the lobby it was just like a huge empty area with doors and halls leading wherever to admin stuff and a fucking huge staircase to the second floor with a life size mario statue on one side and i cant remember what was on the other side... maybe yoshi? they took us straight up to the second floor and on the landing were all their mint consoles from nes to n64 with i think the top 4 best selling first party games sealed behind glass on these really impressive display stands.
they took us into the board room where they had set up some tvs and we got to play some games that weren't gonna be released for a while, the only one i remember is excitebike 64. and after that they took us to some kind of production line but i can't remember what they actually did there, i can't imagine they would package games at the official corpo HQ but idk, it was fucking huge and filled with workers doing whatever but who knows... and after that we got shown how it acutally works when you call the Nintendo Hotline for tips, this was like January 2001 so just about before everyone had internet and they had this database system for all the games on Nintendo systems they called ELMO where they could quickly look up each section of any game, actually impressive now that I'm looking back on it.
After that it was the pictures like I said, all the office girls were there hyping it up like it was actually Pikachu there but I think the two Nintendo guys kinda took to me cause I was older and started ribbing me and made me do the Pokemon Master pose... After that we went back to the board room and they did this like quiz thing where they just asked random questions like whos the heaviest Pokemon etc and if you were the first one to answer you got a bag of random Pokemon swag, cant really remember what I got from that but I think I got all the gym badges from it.
Anyway, proper 10/10 experience would win again.