>>46624782I really love Johto itself, but there are definitely problems with GSC's campaign that should've been addressed -- certainly in HGSS. The big thing is, while I appreciate the way world opens up when you hit Ecruteak, I would've really preferred if they took the same approach as in Gen 1. In Kanto, you *can* tackle the middle Gyms in any order you want, but there's clearly an intended order, so there's still a solid level curve.
I'm also of two minds about whether or not I'd have preferred Johto to be the only region in the game, but larger. Finding out that you can go back to Kanto is awesome, although part of me thinks it'd have been better to just dive into the traditional Japanese locales and lore. Maybe have the Kanto Gym Leaders as bonus bosses who appear in various locations throughout the game, because Kanto was essentially just a boss rush anyway.
>>46626024The player's field of view is pretty small, so the world feels much bigger. Although I'm pretty sure Johto is still a smaller-than-average region nonetheless.