>>46657262>>46657310I feel people forget its about actually abusing your power that constitutes as coercion and for it to be grooming the person usually has to be underage and if they aren't underage they have to be classified as a "Vulnerable Adult" which is determined by the individual itself. You can't just slap grooming onto everything and hope it sticks. It also has a great deal to do with how the victim feels, if they felt they were being abused, forced, manipulated, isolated, etc. they could express what has happened and clear the air.
You could just ask them
>"Hey X Pokemon do you feel like you've been forced or pushed into this relationship even though you didn't want to be? Or if any of the following things has happened to you during your time with Y person (list abusive signs or behavior here)" (Or something to this effect)And they could respond
>"No, none of the stuff you listed ever happened to me. No I was not coached to say that and my experiences with Y Person has been as followed..."And that would be the end of it all. Abuse is nothing to look at lightly, but if there is no signs of abuse there is no abuse, and both parties are genuinely healthy and non-exploitative...there is no problem.