[32 / 9 / ?]
Sometimes this board has some good content, I've seen better discussion and ideas here on certain threads than anywhere else on the internet. But that discussion is only like 5% of the board, the other 95% is just whiny boomers, contrarians, coomers (god, so many coomers). I know that you're just gonna call me a tranny and shit, but whatever. I don't know what I was expecting, the Pokemon community is full of raging morons and 4chan is full of retards so those two coming to a head could never be a good thing, but goddamn this is a shit forum. leddit's Pokemon circles suck, twitter sucks, Tumblr is just gay fanart, the only people I can talk to about this series are IRL friends at this point. I'm not even gonna say "you should be ashamed of yourself" or something self-righteous like that. Just holy shit, please, genuinely, play more games, go outside, get more experiences. Don't keep wasting yourselves away by jerking off to May, Cynthia, Hilda, or Gardevoir, or by circlejerking hate of the new shit, or contrarian arguments for their own sake. It's unhealthy to get this attached to a fictional series, let alone this sexually attached to one. The degeneracy and depression of this board is truly impressive,and I do deeply hope that you all can get yourselves figured out, but I can't put it up with it anymore. I've been hear since gen 6 and I just can't take it any more. In a couple months I'll be on campus again, and I'm gonna start working on genuine human interaction again. You don't have to project all your future hopes onto PokeGirls and feminine Pokemon. Every one of you has a shot at a girlfriend. Even a girlfriend who loves Pokemon, it's the biggest media franchise on the planet. I may never come back, but I'll be cheering all of you on from the other side. It doesn't have to be this way, bros.
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>>46670133 >In a couple months I'll be on campus again, and I'm gonna start working on genuine human interaction again. GL anon!
>>46670133 didn't read
splurted inside my ralts again
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>>46670133 This was fine until complaining about coomers. They are okay people that can be ignored.
>>46670133 but isn't it fun start an argument over something you misunderstood? or something you just have no idea about? that's why im here at least.
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You grandstanding faggots are always the most degenerate of them all. See you tomorrow, faggot.
>Genuine human interaction >on campus Dont anon. No interaction on campus is genuine. That shit feels like The Sims.
>>46670168 Lmao. This.
Enjoy all your leftist tranny brainwashing. It's like Twitter but IRL.
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>>46670168 im on campus and nobody interacts with me, 4 semesters and counting
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>>46670168 This. Just go to class and do your work. Ffs.
>>46670171 Also this.
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>>46670133 For tl;dr Anons:
Board has little good content nowadays. Mostly boomers, zoomers, coomers and pokédoomers posting. Every Pokéforum sucks.
Play more games that isn't Pokémon. Stop jerking off to pokégirls. I've been here since gen 6
lmao . I'm going back to a campus soon. Get a girlfriend Anon, you can do it.
>>46670133 >(god, so many coomers) Uhm, not our fucking fault?
I'm only here because it's fun to coompost but I'm always aware of how much of my time gets eaten up whenever I'm on /vp/. I might leave again once the template threads are done because it's awful for my schedules. The pokeloli threads seem to be regular thing again now so once /vp/ is done having fun with the templates my only remaining reason to be here will be gone. My main gripe is the women and trannies taking up the board, shitposting and spreading degeneracy out of their containment boards and then wondering why people hate them and spouting "rent-free" or something.>the only people I can talk to about this series are IRL friends at this point. I feel like that's been happening to a lot of series lately. I've been saying gatekeeping is important but nobody listens to me and now look at what's going on. It's unfortunate but I hope you can enjoy what you have left for your favorite series.>Just holy shit, please, genuinely, play more games, go outside, get more experiences. I did once. Fell from that. Might try it again some day if I can find places and people for meeting up that aren't autistic about Corona-chan.>But that discussion is only like 5% of the board There's a screencap I think I have that goes into detail about how 4chan is plain unhealthy. I'll post it later if I can find it or if I haven't hidden this thread because it gets taken up by scum.>Every one of you has a shot at a girlfriend. Yeah, I fucking wish. I never really had a shot to begin with but even if I was the best-looking guy in the world with a shit ton of money it wouldn't matter since modern women are shit and only getting worse. Thanks for your advice anyway, OP. I don't appreciate that you're a normalfag, I've grown to hate those creatures and how they never do anything good for anyone, but I hope things go well for you. Though they probably would have anyway.
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>>46670133 >feminine pokemon you mean masculine pokemon
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>>46670164 Yes, but it's better to start arguments over things you do know what you're talking about with because you can manipulate the conversation in order to get posters further away from the solution while racking up endless (you)s.
>>46670185 >know what the #1 cause of pedophilia is? >underage sexiness Anonymous
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I don't know why I keep coming back here. There is rarely anything of substance or quality on this board. So many threads are repeats of people passing and moaning about the same damn things every single time. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
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>>46670229 11-year-olds don't have asses like that. That's just GF having fun making Burgers uncomfortable with their lolicon agenda
>>46670188 >even if I was the best-looking guy in the world with a shit ton of money it wouldn't matter since modern women are shit and only getting worse. Good thing you’ve already given up on finding a girlfriend cuz you sound like you’d be the world’s worst boyfriend.
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>>46670246 You will never be a woman.
Here's one of the screencaps I found and mentioned in
>>46670188 . I think I had another one but I don't know where exactly I kept it and I need to go to bed.
>46670246 It's easy to throw stones over look hard at yourself in the mirror. Maybe I wouldn't be great but I can at least admit that while most modern women can't even admit that they never cared for equality, they never cared about helping anyone, they never cared about the supposed victims they help, they just want to escape responsibility and accountability, not to mention they love berating other people while feeling good about it. "Girls just want to have fun" as the song goes. But I guess it's easy to call anyone who sees you for what you really are an incel again instead of come up with a real argument based on any facts or experiences.
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>>46670133 >>46670285 Genuine statement from anon; I'm only on 4chan to find old pictures / lost media that someone here around the world has Such as /r/ board, old threads that span around 2009 - 2014 to find comments that deserve a memory and even rare communities like the Infinity blade series.
But it seems even those small things that solely brings me back on 4chan for free time, majority of anons here can agree this place is a shithole. I can still enjoy what I do here by my reasons above. But am I really hurting my self just by being here?
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tldr, seems like some newfaggot complaining about muh board quality again
nobody cares, retard
>>46670159 based
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Honestly there are no truly good pokemon communities. Just too many weirdoes in the fandom. I've run the gamut of different kinds of communities, /vp/, twitter circles, and even small tight-knit forums and chats that you'd normally expect to be better, but all of them were infested by autists and weirdoes and at this point I'm just convinced that it comes with the territory. Either be prepared to deal with the them or stand back and engage only at a distance, or just ditch it altogether. It's getting easier to do the latter with the way the series is swirling down the bowl in terms of quality honestly.
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>>46670133 >Every one of you has a shot at a girlfriend. but girls only want chad
Why does it matter the percentage of good content (for you) so long as its above 0%? You don't spend 24/7 on /vp/, do u OP?
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>>46670498 >not spending your whole life on /vp/ lol
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>>46670133 lmao
First you talk bad about every cancer in the fandom. Then you specify on the one and only topic named coomers. Not only it's suspicious since you use Gardevoir as a pic related, you even mentioned Hilda, a pokegirl no one adores or waifus, which makes me think you're into Hilda and can't stand your competition who each have bigger and blacker cocks than you.
You'll be on campus again you say? Good luck with finding a gf. And good luck with finding friends and talking with them about pokemon. Those people are in their mid-20s and coomer stuff is common in that range of age.
And no, the biggest franchise on the planet (proof?) doesn't mean anything. Girls may love pokemon yeah, but girls will find it weird if a grown man loves pokemon. Using "girls who love pokemon" as an argument to give those foreveralones or incels a slight chance of hope is a waste of time.
tl;dr you're a tranny. An attention whore. Here's your (you)
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>46670542 Pretty good bait but not worth a (You)
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>>46670133 OPbros we only made 30 replies..
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>>46670133 >gardevoir yikes