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Buyfag general

No.46688367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Listen twerps, I have been breed fagging since emerald, moved them to Platinum, bought black version to import. had signficant collection to begin like afformentioned Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Gold, Japanese Silver, two blue carteridges, TCG for GBC, Pinball and Pokemon Yellow. Three Gameboy colors, one Pikachu edition with matching carrying case and two regular green bricks and Classic NES GBA SP. DS lite, release day 3DS

I spent more sponduli to get myself GBxRW, so I can import Gen 2 pokemon/saves over to Retroarch. Pokehex to covert them into Gen 3+ compatible mons and play Pokemon collosseum 1/2 and Battle revolution on my gaming laptop, while I wait my new 3DS XL, Pokemon moon fan edition, loose Pokemon Ultramoon and Ultrasun steelbooks to collect dust on my shelves, I've been breedfagging in emerald, platinum, X/Y for hours.

I downloaded pokemon bank and I play special demo for Ash Greninja. Pokemon bank later

Because mainline GSC are easy compared to Stadium 2 for my Crystal save and original mons.

I have more than enough jewgolds after I realized I got my grubby hands of tens of thousands with 1K+ € to spend after all expenses.

Because my country is full lockdown and I don't fancy mobile gaming IE Pokemon Masters and Pokemon Go

I don't trust some ebin pirate rom dumps, I buy my own games, dump the roms and saves before exporting them over to PC for emulation, wide screen, anti-aliasing, etc.

I have everything up to gen 6 being shipped, what would be a good investement next? I'm out of ideas, TCG is meh and buying "Legit" PokeHex edited mons off Ebay isn't my thing.

Here's my ideas
1) Bootlegs
2) Romhacks
3) High quality repro packages
4) Game/console maintenance-upgrading?