>>46710657>By making her a cardboard cutout exposition machine? Sorry, it didn't work.It did work. The subdued approach they went with is best, the only time it failed was in Platinum where we already know that she's the Champion and she should have intervened or double battled with you against Cyrus.
From a story telling perspective, it's better to build respect for the character beforehand, instead of just telling you to respect them. Cynthia is at least your adult friend before she's the Champion that you should fear and respect. Same with Steven, who comes off more like your older bro. And you have a sick double battle with him iirc. It's bad ass.
Also its possible he may have been witholding his title from you out of disinterest in it, or interest in YOUR career. After all, Wallace is the new Champion in Emerald.
>Which makes SENSE and is something someone WOULD say instead of conveniently hiding the fact that he's the champion like all the other retarded characters in the games you're sucking off. The part that's still retarded is Cheren somehow not knowing who he is.I can agree it makes sense for Elesa to say that, yeah. But as for Cheren not knowing who he is, that's a bit iffier. I wouldn't call it retarded because I can understand why he might not.
>There is no rough and tumble vibe, it's just a "lazy writing" vibe.Nah, the newer games are increasingly "safe". The world feels closer and closer to modern life with all the checks and balances and securities that come along with it. The farther you go back in the timeline both in-story and out-of-story the more the Pokemon World feels like an unconquered frontier. But thats to be expected. Mysteries aren't as mysterious once they've been solved.
I actually think Kanto is really well written, same with Sinnoh and Unova.