>>46710852Pokemon period is an unchallenging game. The only challenge can be found in the Battle Tower or competitive. And people who make "difficulty hacks" just make a more tedious experience.
Flint is still swept by Floatzel, so it's utterly irrelevant if he has 5 fire types or his DP team. If you want to make a trainer that can't be swept by a single pokemon, make all the battles double battles. So you're argument for "Oh it's better because he can't be swept by one Pokemon" but he can and you will.
Floatzel is guaranteed a 2HKO on Drifblim, where as Ominous Wind will never kill. Even Will-O-Wisp is pointless because even if it hits, that just adds a turn to remove the burn, Drifblim can't capitalize on it.
Lopunny is another 2HKO with a potential OHKO on a roll, and again, lacks any real way to take on Floatzel. It can sure use Charm, which isn't unique to it not being a fire type, so it also sucks.
Steelix, for the third time ever, has no way to counter a Floatzel, who again 2HKO's, of course this is assuming you build physical, you can easily just throw on Surf and even a neutral unboosted Surf will OHKO Steelix on 0 Investment Floatzel. a 0 Special Attack IV, 0 Special Attack EV Floatzel still does 92.9 to 110%, so it only comes down to a roll.
So, your point is ridiculous, because Floatzel easily can sweep this team, it's entirely built to it. Now, if Flint had an electric type or a Grass type, then you could argue Floatzel couldn't cover it. But as it stands this is a pointless discussion.