C'mon don't fool yourself, it's not that bad compared to other Pokemon games. Yeah, it's no Pokemon Yellow, Go or BotW, a link to the past in terms of raising the bar like those did to the entire industry. But it still did a great job entertaining a casual audience and the youth.
My caveat with SwSH is with all those expected sales, price, marketing, years of experience, and number of fans, SwSh should have been at least at the top 20 most expensive games to develop. But they gave us something way more cheaper with a price of a hardcore game. Like you know the game is good, but it should have been prettier and way more polished, with higher ambitions. A step up to the other generations, like brand new models inspired by the original artwork of Game Freak artists instead making them identical to the XY (3ds optimized) ones.
Played too safe, risked too little. Still a Pokemon core game - 6/10 Above average
With internet connection - 7/10 Good
With DLC - 8/10 Worthy of being a Pokemon core game
>>46741637I bet you're a fan of Final Fantasy XIII too.