>>46747536Honestly, it still has a chance to be good remakes, and bring back new features.
>B-but it said faithful remake. S-so it means shitty remaster!Where are you getting this from. It was only the first teaser trailer, and it was so vague that it left me with more questions than answers. Especially since it showed only diamond, and pearl features, with a few platinum features. It also got me questioning why there is a youngster near the boat in snowpoint city instead of a sailor. It could mean new features in the game. So yeah, I will be convinced by your argument once I know more about the game.
>Y-you're gonna buy it like a dumb pokedrone faggot!Maybe I will buy it. That is if it has plenty of new features for me to enjoy, and it looks appealing enough in the coming trailers. That doesn't make me a pokedrone for still being in the speculation phase.