>>46767429>I'd like to think that maybe they went too far with the Charizard shilling this timeThe Charizard shilling was bad this gen, but the real problem was Dexit. I've said it before so I'll say it again, Dexit Killed the franchise. When Lame Freak implemented Dexit, it was them saying that over half of all Pokémon aren't a priority to them. Then by leaving 29% of previous Pokemon out of the DLC, they basically told everyone that those Pokemon didn't deserve to exist in Galar at all and by extension, said that fans of those Pokémon don't deserve to be part of the franchise.
What that in mind, the Charizard shilling goes from annoying to absolutely disgusting. Galar's entire culture revolved around Charizard; "Undefeated Charizard", A New from for Charizard that literally towers over the entire region like a false idol, Charizard Pose, Charizard Curry, Charizard Car". Game Freak spat on every single person who didn't start with Charizard and said, "That's what you get for not worshipping Charizard from KANTOOO.
That's not even getting into the blatant favoritism of which mons got buffs and which ones were stuck being shitmons. (And of course Charizard new special-snowflake form lets it dominate VGC.) Keep in mind this is the region were here battling LEON"S UNDEFATED CHARIZARD, is the only goal Galar-plebs have in their minds, because the Gym Challenge is the only thing to do in this boring, linear, shit-hole of a region, any Pokemon that isn't good in competitive may as well not even exist.
The franchise is no longer about escaping into a fantastical world, exploring regions, discovering new mons and adding them to your ever growing party of friends. It's become a pissing contest about which get the privilege of being allowed to exist at all. It's about shitting on Pokémon that fall short in competitive because power creep was fucking awful this gen.
Dexit killed the franchise; Charizard-Shilling merely buried it.