>>46781693nah, I realized that was shit around the gen 2/gen3 gap
>played better rpgs>played arc the lad 2 which was made the same year as r/g in japan >ultimately a superior game overall to anything pokemon has made to this date https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=256mLCqWkfYmonster arena was a side aspect, but put r/b/y to shame.
>when I saw a display for r/s in store in 02' I said "fuck this" and skipped gen 3 altogther>saw colosseum was re-using old models from the N64 if anyone else did that they would have asked for heads on fucking pikes!
>I tried gen 4 and even prepared 20 lvl 50 pokemon for battle revolution, then I found out about IV/EVs and gave up on the series entirely
Also to top that off they were using the same models from the N64
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID9uirpS1Ag&t=48swhile digimon had full animations and overworld sprites
https://youtu.be/79WpwZJsHC0?list=PLrksgV3Mw7nthV-WENi6TDArxFMz-RQnF&t=156 two years beforehand.
It's not good, you are being set for disappointment, i stopped playing this shit and never felt better. You should do the same.