>>46810711>>46810739>>46810773>>46810777>>46810779>>46811427>>46811531All Pokemon games within generations 1-5 are objectively good games. They each have strengths and weaknesses but the overall experience is satisfying especially taking into consideration they are handheld games.
Generations 6-8 are quite literally Call of Duty tier entries. Made for the lowest common denominator and to be consumed once then forgotten about just in time for the next product
>XY>ORAS>SMUSUM>SWSHAll these games represent a sharp decline in quality and a refocus for main line games to be made with little effort for the largest returns. Of course, in the past, Gamefreak's goal has always been to make money, however, the strategy was to progress Pokemon making improvements along the way. This was the case until the jump to 3DS.
I will continue to post this in every bait thread.