'Sup dawnchads? I need your thoughts on something.
I saw the image
>>46809263 posted and I really liked it, the artstyle is identical to that of the anime, so I wanted to see more of it.
My search lead to some results, but I feel like there's more to it. Something lost to time that I might be missing.
I found this page,
http://119.uijin.com/, which seems to be a blog/journal of the artist with tons more of his drawings including sketches, and questions/comments of some sort, but it feels... off. As if the formatting broke, it's just a white "zoomed in" void with pictures and text. There doesn't seem to be any information about the artist itself, and I don't see any kind of links or writing spaces to ask anything. Weird.
At first glance I thought his name was "119", given uijin is the tool to create a homepage of your own, but then, by reverse image searching some of these pieces, I found his pixiv:
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/11644535Looks like he's named 物知り博士, or "PhD"? The boorus say the name is "monoshiri hakase", but that's just the romaji reading of that word. Doesn't seem to be a very unique name. Also, looks like he has even less pictures there than on his blog. Understandable, since pixiv isn't really for sketches, but some of the pixiv images aren't on the blog either.
In any case, this artist is really good, but it doesn't seem like he got a lot of attention or traction. The most I read was the people asking him to draw stuff on his webpage, but his pixiv interactions weren't that high. The last picture he uploaded (the one I'm posting) seems to be drawn for New Years 2019, which means he has basically vanished since.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to know more about this guy? I'm also kind of thinking he's an actual character designer/animator for the anime given how close he is, so it'd be cool if he had an active social media to follow. Or maybe that's why he's being so secretive/inactive? I dunno.