You know something /vp/? I have finally become enlightened.
After all these years... I finally, truly see the light. You see, I never really was a fan of Fire type starters. I always thought they looked kind of dumb, and the fact that they're so popular with NPCs didn't help either. I was usually more of a Grass or Water type of guy. But, if I look back now in retrospect, I'd say that Blaziken is probably the one I'd go for if I was forced to use a Fire starter, since I personally like all Hoenn starters to begin with. That being said, only now do I realize something about myself, what with the recent uptick in Charitard shilling and ensuing hatedom... I think I love Blaziken now.
I rewatched the anime fight it had with Ash's Charitard, something I once previously glossed over as a kid, and now I watch it with renewed vigor. Seeing this utterly badass and fiercely STRONG chicken effortlessly mog this stupid fucking orange lizard gave me a raging boner. I was so overwhelmed with cathartic glee that I just decided right then and there that I was going to fully devote myself to Blaziken now.
I will main it in Pokken and BTFO any Charitard I see online. I will use it and the Mega in all games going forward now just in the hopes that I somehow match against someone using Charitard and give it a nasty KO with Stone Edge or something as I outspeed it instantly. I will save all Blaziken memes and images BTFOing Charitard. I will participate in any and all /vp/ threads involving Blaziken and/or Charitard and I'll be there to continue BTFOing all the Charitards.
My life finally has new purpose, and I can't thank this fucking based chicken enough. I've also even started fapping to Blaziken porn on e621 (And to be honest, it's actually pretty hot, pun intended, and way more easily feminized and beautiful than Charitard ever will be). I may also start eating spicy chicken IRL too to complete this circle of enlightenment.
I love Blaziken, and I hate Charitard. Simple as.