The board has always had terrible moderation, and when it wasn't terrible it was absent. They went on a crusade against organic community events like /vp/ Watches Pokémon a few years back (a vp stream going through the anime) for advertisement violations ??? They don't and never have lifted a finger against things that actually break the rules; mass and consistent spam, the pornography threads, the flood of low quality.
I'm not going to have a heated gamer word moment to give you any excuses to delete my post or ban me. You useless retards are the exact type of people who would moderate a 4chan board for free.
If you're really that interested there are old threads on /qa/ discussing, among other things, the incompetence of the mods on /vp/ with regards to the board in general and another specifically with regards to the anime thread /padt/. /padt/ is actually a perfect example of things, the thread has devolved into a cancerous abomination in no small part due to the janny incompetence. inb4 anons give their opinions about /padt/ that's not what this post is about, and I don't care