[20 / 1 / ?]

896KiB, 800x698, tumblr_73ab957d0e23baf07cb18c1b099b1645_a107119c_1280.png
Quoted By: >>46926437 >>46926439 >>46926448 >>46926909
>Make Dark type in gen 2
>Make most of the Dark types physical attackers
>Make all Dark type attacks be moves that act physical
>dUdE mAkE dArK a SpEcIaL tYpE
GF is literally braindead, wtf
>Make most of the Dark types physical attackers
>Make all Dark type attacks be moves that act physical
>dUdE mAkE dArK a SpEcIaL tYpE
GF is literally braindead, wtf